Gift Card

Gift Cards can be used for any digital / physical product or service on this website.

Gift cards are delivered by email and contain instructions on how to redeem the special code at checkout for your desired product. No additional processing fees.

Gift Card owners can schedule appointments via the contact form on this website for holistic spa services or simply browse the website store to purchase digital or physical products.

Helpful Gift Card Tips:

If you want to gift a specific product or service, simply select the correct gift card amount for what you desire to give. 

7 Spheres of Light Guided Meditation Album is $44.00

Reiki Session is $111.00

Raindrop Reiki Session is $122.00

Reiki Sound Bath and Sound Bath Meditations are $122.00

*If you want a physical gift card to give to a friend contact me via email and I will send you an invoice and mail you a physical gift card*